Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The second spot light has also focused on Html5. This time the shift is from silver light

Microsoft may halt development work on Silverlight plugin after next release

It's not just Adobe that's alter­ing its plans when it comes to brows­er plu­g­ins designed to play back rich web media — Microsoft's join­ing in too. New releas­es of Sil­verlight, Red­mond's big com­peti­tor to Flash Play­er, are report­ed­ly going to be aban­doned after the launch of Sil­verlight 5, expect­ed later this month. This infor­ma­tion comes from mul­ti­ple sources cited by the usu­al­ly well-informed Mary Jo Foley. They don't know how long Microsoft will main­tain sup­port for Sil­verlight 5 or if there'll be any ser­vice packs, but it does seem like the com­pa­ny will be switch­ing its oper­a­tional focus to other areas and halt­ing active devel­op­ment of Sil­verlight.

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