Monday, November 14, 2011

Google's Think Insights offers a peek behind the search giant's curtain

I am not sure what this is. Is it google trends productised. I guess we should check it out. I would really like to know whether I can find more about what google thinks about me and everybody else (search engine secrets so to say). We will see.

Google's pri­ma­ry rev­enue source — search-related adver­tis­ing — is get­ting a more pub­lic face with its Think Insights web­site that's now out of beta. The site is a cen­tral­ized hub for access to much of Google's search-related ana­lyt­ics and research stud­ies, which allow mar­keters and oth­ers to spot emerg­ing trends quick­ly and eas­i­ly. It's promised that you'll be able to use the site's "real-time insights find­er" (above) to gauge con­sumer opin­ion in real-time, but it's also just fun to dig around and see all of the data that Google has amassed. Accord­ing to the com­pa­ny, the site makes find­ing answers to most ques­tions — when does demand for pret­zels peak? — no more than 60 sec­onds away. There are also lots of charts to be made using Google's data in mere­ly sec­onds, like the one below com­par­ing smart­phone adop­tion in …

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