Saturday, October 15, 2011

Siri - will it work for us (not US) guys who have a different accent. May be not! Check the video out.

Siri gets lost in translation with Japanese ‘master’

This has to be one of the fun­ni­est videos involv­ing Siri doing the rounds. Pre­sum­ably shot in Japan, where the iPhone 4S went on sale today, all this guy wants to know from Siri is the weath­er out­side. But Siri, for some rea­son, wants to hook him up with Linda. No mat­ter what he asks, Siri keeps tak­ing him back to Linda. Mind you, the man is not a native Eng­lish speak­er and can man­age some bro­ken Eng­lish at best. Also, Siri remem­bers your past ques­tions and con­sid­er­ing this is a store where hun­dreds of peo­ple would have asked her all sorts of ques­tions, we can spare her for get­ting dis­ori­ent­ed. Nev­er­the­less, it is one of the most hilar­i­ous clips so far. Watch it after the break.

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