Friday, September 30, 2011

Nokia does not want to put all the eggs in one basket after all! Why? Is it worried about the basket or it's peers.

Nokia to turn mobile landscape on its head with ‘Meltemi’ smartphone OS

Nokia is again devel­op­ing a pro­pri­etary smart­phone oper­at­ing sys­tem after announc­ing this past Feb­ru­ary that it would aban­don both Sym­bian and MeeGo in favor of Microsoft’s Win­dows Phone plat­form. Cit­ing mul­ti­ple anony­mous sources, The Wall Street Jour­nal on Wednes­day report­ed that Nokia’s exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent of mobile phones, Mary McDow­ell, is head­ing up the project. Code-named “Meltemi,” the new mobile plat­form is report­ed­ly Linux-based and it is intend­ed for use on low-end smart­phones. BGR has inde­pen­dent­ly con­firmed the report, and we have learned addi­tion­al details that paint an excit­ing new pic­ture of the mobile indus­try should Nokia’s new OS real­ize its poten­tial.

A possibility of having super long lasting and super cheap batteries!

First Energy-Storage Membrane

The new membrane promises greater cost-effectiveness in delivering energy, but also an environmentally-friendly solution. The researchers used a polystyrene-based polymer to deposit the soft, foldable membrane that, when sandwiched between and charged by two metal plates, could store charge at 0.2 farads per square centimeter. This is well above the typical upper limit of 1 microfarad per square centimetre for a standard capacitor.

Microsoft is really making a lot of noise of the right kind nowadays. Watch out!

Sencha Likes IE10: A Native Apps Library for JS is Coming

The big ques­tion among Web devel­op­ers has been whether brows­er and plat­form mak­ers are sim­ply lever­ag­ing HTML5 as an open-ended means to a closed end: specif­i­cal­ly, as a stan­dard lan­guage for pro­duc­ing native apps for mul­ti­ple plat­forms, as opposed to a sin­gle, cross-platform app that plays for all. That ques­tion may very soon be ren­dered moot if and when the lead­ing pro­duc­ers of JavaScript libraries ren­der native-looking con­tent using cross-platform code.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Something about Amazon fire you should know


I don’t comment on Apple products or development here, but I’m absolutely fascinated by the Amazon Fire announcement today, and it has nothing to do with the iPad. Lost in the “Is it an iPad Killer?” hype is the audacious introduction of the Silk browser. Under the guise of increasing speed (on WiFi…

More news on mongodb.... Now monitoring too...

10gen - MongoDB Monitoring Service (MMS)

MongoDB Monitoring Service is a publicly available SaaS solution for proactive monitoring of your MongoDB cluster. MMS’s web interface features charts, custom dashboards, and automated alerting; and since it runs in the cloud, MMS requires minimal setup and configuration. Within minutes your devops …

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

This is good news. Please spread the word

Marketing SMS, calls ban imposed; 100 SMS cap comes into effect

By: Rajat Agraw­al | Sep 27th, 2011 at 11:24AM

Friday, September 23, 2011

Come on... Einstein is also wrong now! Naah...

Neutrinos Travel Faster Than Light, According to One Experiment at CERN

"We tried to find all pos­si­ble expla­na­tions for this," said report author Anto­nio Ered­i­ta­to of the Opera col­lab­o­ra­tion.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Web sockets rock! I guess you knew that already.

CometD 2.4.0 WebSocket Benchmarks | Webtide Blogs

Slightly more than one year has passed since the last CometD 2 benchmarks, and more than three years since the CometD 1 benchmark. During this year we have done a lot of work on CometD, both by adding features and by continuously improving performance and stability to make it faster and more scalabl…

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sencha is getting really serious about using it as the chosen mobile app development platform. Now cloud services for syncing data on the cloud for backup and sharing... And image resizing as well.... Hmmm... Have to check out the pricing though. Sync Open Beta and App Contest Extension

Sep­tem­ber 19, 2011 | Aditya Ban­sod

Some really cool photos under water. Although some of them don't feel real, others are really good!

Showcase of Fabulous Underwater Photography

When in search of inspi­ra­tion, one recipe that tends to always pro­duce suc­cess­ful results is to look at the world around you in a dif­fer­ent light, so to speak. This flipped per­spec­tive can often lead our think­ing and cre­ative process­es out of the box, as we see things dif­fer­ent­ly than we nor­mal­ly would. Pho­tog­ra­phers are fan­tas­tic at doing this with a sim­ple loca­tion change. By tak­ing their sub­jects and sub­merg­ing them in water, or seek­ing them out under the sea, pho­tog­ra­phers make some truly stun­ning cap­tures.

Enjoy the free app of the day!

Amazon Appstore now available for Android users in India

Ama­zon App­store is now avail­able for Android users in India. If you own an Android smart­phone or a tablet then you sim­ply gotta hit this link to get start­ed with the Ama­zon App­store. You can down­load thou­sands of free apps from there. Stay tuned in as we’ll be post­ing our views on this store short­ly!