Friday, September 30, 2011

Nokia does not want to put all the eggs in one basket after all! Why? Is it worried about the basket or it's peers.

Nokia to turn mobile landscape on its head with ‘Meltemi’ smartphone OS

Nokia is again devel­op­ing a pro­pri­etary smart­phone oper­at­ing sys­tem after announc­ing this past Feb­ru­ary that it would aban­don both Sym­bian and MeeGo in favor of Microsoft’s Win­dows Phone plat­form. Cit­ing mul­ti­ple anony­mous sources, The Wall Street Jour­nal on Wednes­day report­ed that Nokia’s exec­u­tive vice pres­i­dent of mobile phones, Mary McDow­ell, is head­ing up the project. Code-named “Meltemi,” the new mobile plat­form is report­ed­ly Linux-based and it is intend­ed for use on low-end smart­phones. BGR has inde­pen­dent­ly con­firmed the report, and we have learned addi­tion­al details that paint an excit­ing new pic­ture of the mobile indus­try should Nokia’s new OS real­ize its poten­tial.

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